Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Here is the scene:

Kathleen is off chairing her first home and school committee meeting. I have the girls (all three). After the requisite negotiations of five more minutes on the computer for complete cooperation getting ready for bed I have just flossed number two’s teeth and helped her brush. The parental brushing was a chore as she had supposedly brushed for 2 minutes but spent the entire two minutes talking with the brush hanging out of her mouth; poor brushing, worse diction. So I asked her to go pee and the tearful shouted response was "wwhhyyyy are you allllwaysss asking meeeeee to do everything twice...I juuuuuust wennnnt peeeeeee". Now the expression 'just' is relative so I gently but firmly insisted. Through the tears Miss A had just hoisting her royal personage onto the throne when I asked her if she went pee since I flossed her teeth (which actually was just five minutes earlier). "Yessssssss, sniffle whine! " "Ok", I responded "you don't have to go". But I neeeeed to go! End of conversation.



Blogger lindsaylobe said...

Andrew !!1
I have 3 grown up daughters and used to have a female dog, so with my dear wife that makes 5 women !!

Fram experience you seem to be handling the situation very well, its not a good idea to peep to see they had a pea !! And when they get older if your fortunate they become your best mates !!

best wishes

3:19 pm  
Blogger WendyAs said...

Repeating yourself? Could be an sign of early onset of ..something.
Glad to see you posting. We are back from NA. The Tim Hortons Coffee was good!

9:37 pm  
Blogger Sandy said...

I am glad you are back also. Oh I have to go......pee.

3:30 am  

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